cimport cython import numpy as np cimport numpy as np from libc.stdlib cimport free, malloc from libcpp cimport bool from cpython cimport PyObject, Py_INCREF CREATE_INIT = True # workaround, so cython builds a init function np.import_array() ctypedef unsigned char uint8_t cdef extern from "render/render.h": cdef cppclass Camera[T]: const T fx; const T fy; const T px; const T py; const T R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8; const T t0, t1, t2; const T C0, C1, C2; const int height; const int width; Camera(const T fx, const T fy, const T px, const T py, const T* R, const T* t, int width, int height) cdef cppclass RenderInput[T]: T* verts; T* radii; T* colors; T* normals; int n_verts; int* faces; int n_faces; T* tex_coords; T* tex; int tex_height; int tex_width; int tex_channels; RenderInput(); cdef cppclass Buffer[T]: T* depth; T* color; T* normal; Buffer(); cdef cppclass Shader[T]: const T ka; const T kd; const T ks; const T alpha; Shader(T ka, T kd, T ks, T alpha) cdef cppclass BaseRenderer[T]: const Camera[T] cam; const Shader[T] shader; Buffer[T] buffer; BaseRenderer(const Camera[T] cam, const Shader[T] shader, Buffer[T] buffer) void render_mesh(const RenderInput[T] input); void render_mesh_proj(const RenderInput[T] input, const Camera[T] proj, const float* pattern, float d_alpha, float d_beta); cdef extern from "render/render_cpu.h": cdef cppclass RendererCpu[T](BaseRenderer[T]): RendererCpu(const Camera[T] cam, const Shader[T] shader, Buffer[T] buffer, int n_threads) void render_mesh(const RenderInput[T] input); void render_mesh_proj(const RenderInput[T] input, const Camera[T] proj, const float* pattern, float d_alpha, float d_beta); cdef extern from "render/render_gpu.h": cdef cppclass RendererGpu[T](BaseRenderer[T]): RendererGpu(const Camera[T] cam, const Shader[T] shader, Buffer[T] buffer) void render_mesh(const RenderInput[T] input); void render_mesh_proj(const RenderInput[T] input, const Camera[T] proj, const float* pattern, float d_alpha, float d_beta); cdef class PyCamera: cdef Camera[float]* cam; def __cinit__(self, float fx, float fy, float px, float py, float[:,::1] R, float[::1] t, int width, int height): if R.shape[0] != 3 or R.shape[1] != 3: raise Exception('invalid R matrix') if t.shape[0] != 3: raise Exception('invalid t vector') = new Camera[float](fx,fy, px,py, &R[0,0], &t[0], width, height) def __dealloc__(self): del cdef class PyRenderInput: cdef RenderInput[float] input; cdef verts cdef colors cdef normals cdef faces def __cinit__(self, float[:,::1] verts=None, float[:,::1] colors=None, float[:,::1] normals=None, int[:,::1] faces=None): self.input = RenderInput[float]() if verts is not None: self.set_verts(verts) if normals is not None: self.set_normals(normals) if colors is not None: self.set_colors(colors) if faces is not None: self.set_faces(faces) def set_verts(self, float[:,::1] verts): if verts.shape[1] != 3: raise Exception('verts has to be a Nx3 matrix') self.verts = verts cdef float[:,::1] verts_view = self.verts self.input.verts = &verts_view[0,0] self.input.n_verts = self.verts.shape[0] def set_colors(self, float[:,::1] colors): if colors.shape[1] != 3: raise Exception('colors has to be a Nx3 matrix') self.colors = colors cdef float[:,::1] colors_view = self.colors self.input.colors = &colors_view[0,0] def set_normals(self, float[:,::1] normals): if normals.shape[1] != 3: raise Exception('normals has to be a Nx3 matrix') self.normals = normals cdef float[:,::1] normals_view = self.normals self.input.normals = &normals_view[0,0] def set_faces(self, int[:,::1] faces): if faces.shape[1] != 3: raise Exception('faces has to be a Nx3 matrix') self.faces = faces cdef int[:,::1] faces_view = self.faces self.input.faces = &faces_view[0,0] self.input.n_faces = self.faces.shape[0] cdef class PyShader: cdef Shader[float]* shader def __cinit__(self, float ka, float kd, float ks, float alpha): self.shader = new Shader[float](ka, kd, ks, alpha) def __dealloc__(self): del self.shader cdef class PyRenderer: cdef BaseRenderer[float]* renderer cdef Buffer[float] buffer cdef depth_buffer cdef color_buffer cdef normal_buffer def depth(self): return self.depth_buffer def color(self): return self.color_buffer def normal(self): return self.normal_buffer def __cinit__(self, PyCamera cam, PyShader shader, engine='cpu', int n_threads=1): self.depth_buffer = np.empty(([0].height,[0].width), dtype=np.float32) self.color_buffer = np.empty(([0].height,[0].width, 3), dtype=np.float32) self.normal_buffer = np.empty(([0].height,[0].width, 3), dtype=np.float32) cdef float[:,::1] dbv = self.depth_buffer cdef float[:,:,::1] cbv = self.color_buffer cdef float[:,:,::1] nbv = self.normal_buffer self.buffer.depth = &dbv[0,0] self.buffer.color = &cbv[0,0,0] self.buffer.normal = &nbv[0,0,0] if engine == 'cpu': self.renderer = new RendererCpu[float]([0], shader.shader[0], self.buffer, n_threads) elif engine == 'gpu': self.renderer = new RendererGpu[float]([0], shader.shader[0], self.buffer) else: raise Exception('invalid engine') def __dealloc__(self): del self.renderer def mesh(self, PyRenderInput input): self.renderer.render_mesh(input.input) def mesh_proj(self, PyRenderInput input, PyCamera proj, float[:,:,::1] pattern, float d_alpha=1, float d_beta=0): if pattern.shape[0] !=[0].height or pattern.shape[1] !=[0].width or pattern.shape[2] != 3: raise Exception(f'pattern has to be a {[0].height}x{[0].width}x3 tensor') self.renderer.render_mesh_proj(input.input,[0], &pattern[0,0,0], d_alpha, d_beta)